Functional Bodybuilding
@ The Yard

We’ve partnered with Marcus Filly and the team at Functional Bodybuilding to combine the power of their Persist online training program with the convenience of The Yard’s private pod reservation system. The Persist program is designed to deliver a complete workout that will help you grow lean muscle and build a resistant body, all without burning you out or risking injury.
- 5 Training Tracks – You’ll never get fit if you’re bored to tears. Persist combines the structure to get results with variety and fun. Never repeat the same workout twice.
- Built-in Mobility – Don’t let injury slow down your gains. Persist’s mobility routines keep nagging pains away, without taking tons of time.
- Personal Form Feedback – Get results faster when you hit perfect positions. Upload videos and get pointers from a real coach.
- Flexible Schedule – Follow daily programming 3, 4, or 5 days per week, plus optional recovery days. Or use the workout calendar to train whenever you like. You’ll find options for short and long workouts.
- Unlimited Pod Reservations – With unlimited pod reservations each month, you’ll never have to wait on the space to train or access to the equipment you need to see results.

About Marcus Filly
Marcus Filly founded Functional Bodybuilding in 2017 after appearing 6x at the CrossFit Games. Looking for a way to heal nagging injuries and recover motivation, he combined classic bodybuilding methods with the fun of functional fitness.
Marcus has over 20 years experience as a professional athlete and coach, and has helped tens of thousands of athletes look good and move well.