Progression Run Club @ The Yard

Launched in early 2024, the Progression Run Club @ The Yard is one of San Francisco’s newest run clubs. Led by independent personal trainers Ross Dempsey and Darioush Ebadat, the PRC puts strength training into motion. Participants in the club benefit from Ross and Darioush’s combined expertise in strength and hypertrophy training, cardiovascular conditioning and performance training, and running mechanics.

Benefits of Strength Training for Runners

  • Increased power and speed
    Strength training can help runners generate more force with each stride, which can lead to faster running times. It can also help runners use less energy and improve their running economy.
  • Improved form
    Strength training can help runners improve their balance, stability, and posture, which can lead to better running form and faster times.
  • Reduced risk of injury
    Strength training can help reduce the risk of sports injuries by up to a third and repetitive strain injuries by almost half. Strong muscles can provide stability and support around joints, reducing stress and lowering the risk of injury.
  • Ease of breathing
    Strength training can help runners tolerate forces on their bodies better and may also help with breathing.
  • Maintaining muscle mass
    Strength training can help older adult runners maintain muscle mass and the ability to recruit muscles while running.

Weekly Runs

You’re invited to join PRC every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM  for our weekly run! We meet at The Yard in San Francisco for a pre-run stretch, then head out for a fun, social, and easy zone 2 run between 4-6 miles in length through different areas of SF like Marina Green, The Presidio, Golden Gate Park, the Panhandle, and the Embarcadero. After the run, we’ll finish back at The Yard for a cool-down stretch.

All runs are free and sign-up is not required.

Cold Plunge & Coffee

Run > Stretch > Plunge > Sip! Every 4-6 weeks, we spice up our weekly Sunday runs by finishing at Aquatic Park with cool down yoga led by Michael Plotkin, a brisk cold plunge in the bay, and some tasty local coffee!

Let’s gooooooo!

Race Preparation

The 2024 SF Marathon was just the start! We’ll continue to train for upcoming 5k, 10k, half and full marathon races throughout the year. Already planning on running a race? Let us know and we’ll encourage you and help you get prepare leading up to your race day!

Personal Trainers in the PRC

Looking for a personal trainer? All the trainers listed below are independent personal trainers who train clients at The Yard and participate in the PRC. Click their bios below to learn more and get in touch.

Justin Fan

Body recomposition, Functional movement, Strength training

Availability: SMWFS

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Hayley Spelman

Sports Performance, Strength & Conditioning, Shoulder Health for Overhead Athletes

Availability: MTWTF

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Archie Barrina

Functional Training, Strength & Conditioning, Rehabilitation

Availability: MTWTF

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Quinn Gaebler

Strength Training, Foundation Training, Stretch Therapy

Availability: MTWTF

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Ross Dempsey, Msc, BA, CSCS

Powerlifting, Cardiovascular Conditioning, Sports Peformance Training

Availability: MTWTF

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Darioush Ebadat

Running Mechanics, Weight training, Injury Recovery

Availability: MTWTF

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